Friday 31 July 2009

Well , after two days reading instructions and fiddling about I may have got Digigran back for my own reference - but this Blog is now called Digilane- perhaps best to hide Granny status. This just looks so dull though. Will now need to make it look better little by little and begin to write those stories I promised Zander about Edward, the Wire. More distractions , I suppose but I have done some hard learning this week.


  1. This is so confusing - am I Digigran commenting on Digilane and is this the shape of my BLOG or what? I need someone else to come and join me , I guess, but who approach? Looked for Kate's Arty Facts and since she was featured in an academic paper she seems to have given up. Dr Joolz is on a different plane or is that planet, Guy is stuck in Meatspace so it will have to be someone new.

  2. Seem to be unable to co-ordinate the posting with this site. Need to try a bit harder. Does make n-me work though- or rather stops me getting on with the BERA stuff. ope the brain is getting into gear for a bit more writing. Went to Hebden Bridge yesterday to see Katie and Jon. They looked really well, Fay is a little sweetheart. Will add photo later and when I can get sorted about the relationship of this to the posting site. Everything digital seems at one and the same time easier and more difficult since last I blogged. For example, I can see on Dr Jools' Tweets that she sent me a personal reply but I can't find it on my own account. Why? Perhaps I'll consult MultiMartin.
